Friday, November 11, 2011


Hello everyone, well it's finally here, it's 11-11-11, so what does that mean, well, it's a cool date first of all. It's Veteran's Day in the US, as well as Remembrance Day and other various versions of that all around the world, so for all those people out there that are members of the military in some form or another or that ever served, thank you. 11-11-11 is also National Metal Day, so crank up those stereos and blast some metal. Now you might be asking yourself, why is 11-11-11 National Metal Day? Well, this should clear things up for you:
So, if you are into Metal VH1 Classic is running all sorts of specials all day, so check it out

Ok, well, November is also a special month, cause it's Movember, now you maybe asking yourself, what is Movember, well, you might be aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and people all wear pink to help raise awareness. Well, in that same thought, November is Prostate Cancer Awareness month, so in order to raise awareness, guys grow Moustaches, as they are called. So, I felt since, as I've documented on this blog before, I can grow some pretty mean facial hair, why the hell not? So, I've just been growing it out since November 1st, but today I groomed it up a bit, and here are the results:
I also managed to break my trimmer while doing this, so I need a new one, but I'm kinda lazy and might not do that right away, so this could be here to stay for a while.

One last story about 11-11-11. back when I was a naive little young man, I thought you know what 11-11-11 is gonna be an awesome date, so what would be really cool is to have a child on that day, figuring at the time, oh I'll be 30 by then, I'll probably be ready to settle down and have a family, boy was I wrong. But I'm sure there were plenty of others out there like me who had the same thought, so there were probably a lot of children out there born today, so happy birthday to all of you, and I'm sure there are a lot that were probably are probably will be born at 11:11, so good for you. Apparently similarly there were a lot of weddings today for this same reason, so nicely played as well.

Well, that's all for today, enjoy the rest of 11-11-11. One more clip for the road:
Hello Cleveland!!! Ok, well, I'm pretty sure if I was in Cleveland or anywhere in Ohio that is, I'd probably just want to get out of there too. Anyway, this of course reminds me of this:

Best part about this, door clearly wasn't locked. Oh WCW

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