Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Feel The Rhythm, Feel The Rhyme, Get On Up, It's Blogging Time

What's up all you blog reading sons of bitches, I'm back with more awesome randomness for you. First of all just want to say that I feel like I'm gonna try and make this a weekly thing. I know in the past I tried to do it daily, but I think I will burn myself out if I try and do that, so weekly posts are gonna be the thing, unless I feel really inspired one particular day and make a special post. Ok, now let's get into it

I made the announcement in my last post that I was giving up the bottle, and well, I've gotten mostly negative reaction from it, which isn't too surprising considering most of my friends are ragging alcoholics, but I usually strive on negativity, you tell me I shouldn't do something, I'm gonna do it just to spite you, especially if it's something that I want to do. I mean obviously if someone tells me not to cut my arm off, I'm not going to cut my arm off to spite them, but you get the point, I think, whatever, who cares, shut up. 9 days sober, straight edge.

Next up, NHL is back, so that's exciting, looking forward to some hockey, been a while. This condensed schedule is gonna be interesting, probably gonna have to sell off a bunch of tickets, so if you are interested in buying some, or if you want to go with me, let me know.

Patriots will be taking on Houston this Sunday, last time we played them, it was domination by the Patriots, so while I don't want to sound overconfident, I don't feel worried about this week. Of course I didn't feel worried 2 years ago in this very situation, and we all know what happened then. But as they say Any Given Sunday, which was actually a terrible movie in my opinion, other then the speech that Pacino gives at the end, it's not a good movie, but hey that's just my opinion.

NCAA BCS Football title game at the Orange Bowl which is really Sun Life Stadium brought to you by Discover, or whatever the hell they called it took place this past Monday. Alabama won again, not really surprised by this, for anyone who really thought that it was gonna be a game, come on, Notre Dame was completely overmatched, they never had a chance.

Justified started back up last night, one of the best shows on TV in my opinion, you should be watching it.

Now, it's time for this weeks random topic of the week. Some of you might recognize the quote that the title of this post is a take from, and that of course is "Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, get on up, it's bobsled time... Cool Runnings! Ok, so then why am I bringing up a quote from a 20 year old movie about the Jamaican bobsled team. Well folks, among others it starred John Candy, and recently I was watching Home Alone, it was Christmas time recently, so it makes sense, and John Candy has what pretty much is just a cameo in that film, alongside fellow SCTV alum Catherine O'Hara. Now, a lot of you are probably thinking what the hell is SCTV, more of you have probably stopped reading this, and some of you probably just woke up after passing out from being hammered and deciding to check out my blog while you were drunk, but hey that's cool. Anyway, SCTV was basically the Canadian version of Saturday Night Live, It's a little confusing cause SCTV stood for Second City Television. Those of you that aren't familiar with Second City, it's a improve comedy venue/ team, but it originally started in Chicago, cause for those of us in the United States, Chicago is called the Second city, with New York being the first, cause at the time the city got the nickname it was the 2nd largest city in the US, obviously LA is bigger now, and they ended up opening one in LA as well. But, they also opened one in Toronto, cause at the time Toronto was the 2nd largest city in Canada, with Montreal being the largest, Toronto has since surpassed Montreal. Anyway, this show was the Toronto versions show. Anyway, John Candy being Canadian starred in show, along with others like Rick Moranis, Martin Short, Joe Flaherty, Eugene Levy and Dave Thomas (The comedian, not the Wendy's guy). Ok, got a little sidetracked there, where was a going with this, oh right, Candy, so I have decided to list the top 10 candies of all time, no wait, I mean top 10 John Candy films, wait both.

Before we start, just want to say that while Home Alone, Vacation, Rookie of the Year, The Blues Brothers and Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird are great movies, but since he only really does basically cameos in those, I'm not counting them, I'm also not including variations of candies, for instance, M&Ms are one candy, not counting all different kinds of M&Ms. Ok, now that we have that out of the way, want to give honorable mention to one particular John Candy movie, which while I have never seen it, needs to be mentioned cause well, just take a look at the Trailer:
Although, what the hell? They are missing a U Going Berserk - IMDB. And to go along with this movie, the honorable mention for candy is the Needham Bar:

You maybe thinking to yourself, what the hell is this thing, well, it's kinda like a mounds, which I hate, so certainly not on my list of favorite candies, but it's called Needham, that's where I'm from, all thought, ironically, they are from Maine, where I spend my summers and that's the only place I ever saw them. Now strangely enough, these weren't exactly like mounds bars, cause they had a secret ingredient, Potatoes, yup, you read that right, Potatoes, good old Maine Potatoes. Now with that out of the way, lets get to the list.

#10 - Canadian Bacon/Candy Canes

Ok, so now while neither of these things are probably anyone's favorite of either they both make the list for certain reasons. First of all Candy Canes, sure they aren't great, occasionally you might have one around Christmas time, but there you go, Christmas time, they remind of a Christmas, and well, Jesus is just alright with me, so they are on the list. Canadian Bacon, sure it's not a great movie, it's got kinda a weird cast, Alan Alda, Rhea Pearlman and Kevin Pollak. To top it off, it was written and directed by Michael Moore, yes, that Michael Moore, and you are probably thinking, wait, is this some kind of documentary, well, no it isn't, it was Michael Moore's one and only attempt at fiction, and while the plot was a little weird, sorta a precursor of sorts to the South Park movie with US vs Canada, it had it moments, but there is one specific reason this movie is on the list. It was John Candy's last role, so it makes the list, end of story.

#9 - Stripes/Skybar

Skybar, might not be the most well known candy, but I used to love these things, it was like getting 4 candy bars in one. You got, Caramel, Fudge, Vanilla, and Peanut. Ok, I'll admit, the peanut is kinda odd, it's not peanut butter, but like a peanut flavored caramel type filling, it was ok, probably my least favorite of the 4, but overall a great candy. Stripes is certainly a great movie and while you might be saying to yourself, why only 9? Well, this was more of a Bill Murray movie than a John Candy, so it loses points on that, but it is a great movie, so it still makes the list. Of course if it wasn't form Stripes, there probably wouldn't have been In The Army Now, so maybe that loses it points.

#8 - Splash/3 Musketeers

3 Musketeers is a great if you like chocolate, it's chocolate with a fluffly chocolate nougat in the middle, what could be better. Little bit a trivia on this though, you might think to yourself, why the hell is it called 3 Musketeers, well, originally it came in 3 pieces, one had chocolate nougat, one had vanilla and one had strawberry, similar to Neapolitan ice cream, but much like Neapolitan ice cream, people only really liked the chocolate

So, they got rid of the vanilla and the strawberry and then started dropping them from the sky for some reason:
As for Splash, once again another case where it's a great movie, but was more of a movie for someone else, in this case Tom Hanks. John Candy played his kinda do no good brother, and he also had some pervy moves, like the scene where he drops coins to look up women's skirts, good trick btw, just don't get caught.

#7 - Delirious/Kit-Kat

Delirious might not be that well known of a movie, but forwhatever reason I always used to remember this being on TV in the 90's and it had an interesting plot, a soap opera writer, who gets hit on the head and wakes up in the soap opera, where whatever he writes actually happens, and hilarity ensues. I forget exactly what happens, but I'm sure there is a lessen learned and then he wakes up from a coma or something, I don't really remember and don't really care, I just remember it being pretty decent and had an interesting plot. Kit-Kats, if for nothing else, it's on the list because of this:

Plus it's pretty good, chocolate covered crisp wafers in 4 pieces so I can break off a piece for my friends, ha, yeah right, I'm eating all four of those, get you own damn Kit Kat bar, you jerk. I should mention that I actually do like Kit Kat, cause if we were doing this just based on commercial jingle, certainly Mounds and Almond Joy would be on here, but I hate that coconut crap, so they are not, but just for fun anyway

#6 - Cool Runnings/Skittles

Taste the Rainbow, what can I say skittles are fruity and delicious, although I must say that their commercials have gotten weirder and weirder over the years:

But anyway, as far as fruit flavored candy, Skittles get the win in my opinion over Starbursts and whatever else there might be out there and there are lots of colors in the rainbow, much like in Junior's sweater from this classic scene from Cool Runnings

Ok, so maybe that scene didn't feature John Candy, but he is prominently feature in the movie, which tugs at your heart string, and it's a true story and a good movie for the whole family, so that's why it checks in at #6

#5 - Planes, Trains and Automobiles/Junior Mints

Now, maybe you are wondering to yourself, wait, Junior Mints over York's peppermint pattie, and yes it was a tough choice, given this commercial

Well, last time I checked, York Peppermind Pattie didn't save anyone's life in one of the greatest sitcoms of all time:

It's chocolate, it's peppermint, it's delicious, it's very refreshing. So is Planes, Trains and Automobiles, which is very arguably, the best movie John Candy was in, but the reason I only have it at number 5, is cause I feel he is a bit overshowed in this movie by Steve Martin, for instance when anyone ever talks about this film, it seems like they always reference this scene

But, no matter how you slice it, great movie, that heavily involves John Candy, so there you go.

#4 - Spaceballs/Reese's Peanut Butter Cup/Pieces

Ok, well, I couldn't decide on which I liked better, the peanut butter cups or the pieces, so I put them together as one, you got a problem with that, well too damn bad, this is my list and my blog, you want to do your own list, start your own damn blog. But anyway, you got your peanut better in my chocolate, you got your chocolate in my peanut butter and the world was never the same.

The world was also never the same once the Spaceballs arrived

I love this movie, and John Candy was great in his role as a Mawg, half man, half dog, Barf. I realize that maybe he wasn't the main star in this movie, it was more of an ensemble cast, but it's fantastic, and it does a great job of making fun of Star Wars. It also came at that awesome time in the 80's where it seemed like every movie had to have it's own theme song, and Spaceball was no different:

#3 - Summer Rental/M&Ms

I know, I know, M&Ms, those are boring, but you know what, who turns down M&Ms, now I'm just talking about regular old M&Ms, I know they got peanut, pretzel, peanut butter, almond, dark chocolate, remote control, mint chocolate, pancake, cinnamon, velociraptor, coconut and gingerbread man flavors, ok maybe some of those aren't real, but really you can't go wrong with just plain old M&Ms, and sure they have had a bunch of different colors over the years but I think Homer Simpson said he best when he said "So, I said, blue M&M, red M&M, they all wind up the same color in the end."

Summer Rental, great summer movie, it's got everything you need, beaches, sand, boats, water, a boat race, Joey Lawrence, the chick from The Goonies, what more can you ask for. This was John Candy's first real lead role, and it was a quality flick, and I certainly remember it as a kid, so there you go, if you are looking for a good summer movie, check this one out

#2 - The Great Outdoors/Milky Way

Milky Way, not the galaxy, but the candy bar is my favorite candy bar of all time, and I know by saying this I'm giving away that my top candy is not a candy bar, but that's the truth. Basically it's a 3 Musketeers Bar, but then then there is caramel on top of it. It's fantastic, and that's all I really have to say about that.

The Great Outdoors, another movie that pairs John Candy up with another famous comedic actor and Canadian Dan Aykroyd. John Candy is taking another vacation, but this time he's going to the woods and not the beach, and when you are in the woods, you often have to deal with some critters, and believe you me, I've dealt with my fair share of these things over the years

Now, you maybe thinking to yourself, didn't I see this somewhere else, well, you did, about 8 years later David Spade and Chris Farley would have a very similar scene in the movie Black Sheep, which is interesting cause John Candy was kinda the lovable fatguy until he died and then Chris Farley took over until he died. Not really sure if anyone really ever took over after that, there are some larger gentlemen in the movies and stuff, but then they always lose the weight and look weird, like Jonah Hill or Jack Black, I'm sure I'm forgetting some others, but I don't feel like the void from the deaths of Candy and Farley has ever really been filled, but whatever. Speaking of fat, this movie also featured a scene that was a forerunner to Man vs Food

And now the moment you have all been waiting for:

#1 - Uncle Buck/Swedish Fish

Ok,while I don't think there is really any argument that Uncle Buck is John Candy's best movie, Swedish Fish might be a bit of a surprise, so let me explain that one first. Swedish Fish are fucking delicious, I try and not use the F word often, but there it. When I was younger and had much better metabolism or whatever, I would go to BJs every summer before I would go to Maine and get a bunch of the huge boxes of Swedish Fish and just devour them. Those, Slim Jims and Mountain Dew, that would be my summer, very healthy I know, but hey, I was young and stupid and I was on vacation, so don't judge me. So, there it is Swedish Fish, so you now know that if you are ever gonna get me candy as a gift, that is number 1 on my list.

As for Uncle Buck, was there really ever any doubt, it's a great movie, a great character. Hell, they even tried to turn it into a TV show, but without John Candy it was really kinda pointless. So, with that said, here are a couple of my favorite scenes
Interesting, you may be thinking that you've seen this before, well,  it's not exactly the same, but certainly Austin Powers 3 used a similar gag to this. Here's another

Bug, what the hell kind of name was that anyway? Ok, one more

Oh yeah, Macaulay Culkin is in this film, bet you forgot about that, also the girl from Field of Dreams and the Mom from Field of Dreams, so there you go.

Ok, folks, hope you enjoyed this, I'm sure there are many people out there that are gonna disagree about this list, maybe not so much the John Candy part, but I'm sure there's many opinions out there about the kinds of candies, so let me hear what you think.

But one things for sure, we all want candy:

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