Saturday, May 31, 2014

Do You Remember Me?

Well, do you? No? I can't blame you. It's been forever since I posted on this blog. Granted my last post was sort of a goodbye in a way, but I never said it was over, so why the hell not post again? Right, you agree. So, let's see what has happened since that last time I posted, well this happened:
But, you probably already knew that, but still, pretty damn cool and very unexpected given what happened in 2012 and 2011 for that matter. Oh, and it's 2014 now, so that's something I guess. But given that it's 2014, that brings on some major anniversaries that were significant in my lifetime. For instance 30 years ago this happened:
Hulkamania began to run wild, so that was a pretty big deal back in 1984, and I may have spend the majority of the next 10 years tearing up my t-shirts and dropping legdrops. But then 20 years ago, a lot of shit went down, Cobain killed himself, the World Cup came to the US, OJ got away with murder, or well, he got away with it in 1995, but it happened in 1994. Also, this happened:
RIP MCA. I was actually just reading this week something about how Spike Jonze and the Beastie Boys were developing a movie that wouldn't have directly been based on this video but would have been connected in some way, unfortunately it never happened and never will. Moving on, something that has only happened once since 1903 happened in 1994, there was no World Series, which actually leads me to 2004, cause almost 10 years ago this happened:
And well, you know the rest, wait you don't, well here it is:
Hard to believe that we are coming up on the 10 year anniversary of that, which also means that it's been over 10 years since I graduated from college, which is just insane. I have no idea how 10 years went by so fast, I have no idea what the hell happened. I should probably figure out what the hell I'm doing with my life at this point, huh? I'm thinking I should probably move to the mountains and not bother anyone.
Oh wait, I can't do that, I'm not a dead moth, that would be gimmick infringement. Speaking of gimmick infringement, Burger King came out with this:

Big King, really? King Sauce? Special Sauce is bad enough, but that sounds worse. Apparently they had tried this before and it failed miserably, but hey why not waste a ton of money on something that people weren't buying before, go America. Hey, Burger King, if I want a Big Mac, I'm gonna go to McDonald's, just do your Whopper thing, and I won't eat them either, much like I won't eat these:
Not that I'm gonna eat a Big Mac any time soon either, but still, stay in your own lane, Taco Bell, I'll deal with you and your Waffle Taco later.

Let's see, what else has happened, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Burn Notice and Psych all came to an end.... for now. I say that cause you never know as 24 just came back which originally ended 4 years ago, although I will say they should have probably changed the name of the show to 12, seeing how there are only 12 episodes in this season as opposed to 24 as it always was in the past. What can I say about it, other than it's 24, it's the same as it always was, for better or for worse, it's back, it's better than most of the crap on TV, even if it's the same sort of stuff they have always done and we've seen it before, but hey, I'd rather watch 12 hours of that then most of the other garbage that passes for TV these days, especially given that as I listed, a bunch of the shows that I watch have come to an end or at least for now and more on the way to ending as Sons of Anarchy, Boardwalk Empire, Parks and Rec and Mad Men are headed into their last seasons. Although with the WWE Network now up and running, I have plenty of stuff to watch to waste my time. Now I could go in detail on the WWE Network and in general on what's been happening with WWE recently and I will, but I will save that for a different blog post.

I think I'm going to wrap this post up, I'm back, I guess, and it was fun, but let's not go crazy on the first time back, I got to save some stuff if I'm gonna be doing this on a regular basis, which I may or I may not, we shall see. Hey, maybe I'll take the gloves off, start dropping some pipe bombs as it were, start naming names, ruffle some feathers, piss some people off. I mean, why not, who the hell is reading this anyway, and if they are, good you probably deserve it, but then again thanks for reading, but also you deserve it, although I haven't even said it yet, but it's coming or maybe not, how do you know, I don't even know, what the hell am I talking about, I've been drinking, so whatever.

In closing have just a couple more things to mention, in my last post back in September, I referenced The Wonder Years, which if you were a fan of that show, you might be excited to know, if you didn't already, that The Wonder Years is finally coming to DVD this fall, and from what I've heard, with most, and hopefully all, the original music intact. so that's exciting.

....and finally, as I usually do, I'm going to leave you with a little treat from the vault, sorta, and this time everyone with enjoy this, or not, who cares, shut up and watch it:
Yeah, that also happened since my last post.

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