Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Another Year

Well, ladies and gentleman, another year is upon us and so it's time once again for a change. 2 years ago I started this thing, had a good run with it at first, but then things went off the rails, eventually ending in me retiring for the blog and lots of other stuff last year, then there was a failed attempt at a comeback, that wasn't so great, so what now? Well, it's another year, so let's give this thing another go at it. Why you ask? well, I will tell you, people who know me will tell you that I'm a very opinionated person, sometime to a fault, but I'm gonna tell it like it is, whether I should or not. Unless it has to do with my inner most secrets, that shit I keep to myself, whether I should or not, until they tear me up inside and... well that's my own personal problem, and I'm not here to talk about that, or maybe I am, I don't know, shut up. In addition to being opinionated, I am also very knowledgeable, not so much in the traditional sense, but with useless facts and information, in fact it partly earned me the nickname "Google" Greg, either because I would simply just know a random fact or would be the first one on it to Google it, it's fitting, I'll admit it. The problem with all this useless info that I know, I often feel the need to share it, one again, whether I should or not, so what better way to get all this opinions and useless information out in the open without annoying people or pissing people off or whatever the case may be, this is it, this is my canvas, rather than bore the masses, if you want to know stuff that I know about or want to hear my opinion, you can come here and check it out, and there it is. Furthermore, I also feel as though I may have some more time on my hands this year, which has been a problem I've had in the past with keeping up with this thing, there are various reasons why I feel this way, be it that certain people that took up a lot of my time over the last year are gone, maybe some of the people that I've hung out with a lot over the last couple years have other things taking up their time, maybe it's the current lack of an NHL season, or, and this is a big one, big announcement here, my shocking decision to give up drinking, more on this in a bit, but drinking took up a lot of my time, so without that, more time for the blog. So there it is, the blog is back, I hope some of you people actually read it and maybe you'll enjoy it, if not, who cares, I can look back on this someday with much fondness.

Ok, so giving up drinking, it was a tough decision, one that, much like keeping up with the blog again, I'm not sure will stick, but I'm gonna give it a go, been going strong over these last 12+ years, lot of drinking has been done, and maybe it's time to take a step back and reevaluate. I'm crazy like that, I've said it before and I'll say it again, much like Billy Joel, I don't know why I go to extremes, but I do man, I'm crazy like that, that's my friends call me fou.

Now, with all that out of the way, here's today's topic, some of those that are reading this, may have already heard my rant about this, and if you have, sorry, but I'm bringing it up again. When you think or hear of the songs, Jingle Bells, Winter Wonderland, Frosty The Snowman, Sleigh Ride, Let it Snow, Baby It's Cold Outside? You think of Christmas, right? Well, you might think of date rape on the last one, listen to that song again, you'll see what I mean:

Anyway, most people consider those Christmas songs, right? but why? none of those songs say anything about Christmas, they are simply just winter songs. Nothing in any of those songs says anything about Christmas, or Santa or Jesus or anything like that. Here's my point, once Christmas is over, those songs disappear, but why? It's snowed a week after Christmas, so why wasn't this on the radio:
I've seen a bunch of snow men around the last couple days, so why aren't people singing this song right now:
Ok, I get it, people are usually pretty sick of Christmas music by the time Christmas actually rolls around, so why would people want to keep listening to them after Christmas is over, well, that's sorta my point. Maybe we shouldn't be playing these songs as Christmas songs, keep the Christmas songs for Christmas, and then the rest of the winter play the winter songs that have nothing to do with Christmas. I realize that no one is gonna be on board with this one. I get it, once Christmas and New Year's are over, you aren't too jovial about Winter, unless you are into skiing or have a snowplow, you don't want a Winter Wonderland or to Let It snow, I get it. People aren't going MLK day caroling. Valentine's Day is about love, not snow. President's day has to do with a different guy with a hat, not Frosty, so fine, whatever, have it your way. But honestly when winter rolls around, I'm usually only thinking about one thing anyway: What am I gonna get?
For Chrimbus!

Yup, I'm back

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