Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nice Guys Finish Last....

....cause the assholes that were in front of them were disingenuous, lying, cheaters.

You know, I don't usually get on my high horse on this blog, but over the last few days some new shit has come to light and well, I got to say some things. First of all, Lance Armstrong, liar, I don't know what he told Oprah, and really, why the hell does he have to talk to Oprah? I want Jim Gray to interview him, like he did Pete Rose:
I'm sure it gonna get huge ratings or whatever, he'll try to spin it some way to make himself  look good, like Alex Rodriguez tried to do on 60 Minutes, but hopefully, they show all the times he denied using and lied to each and everyone of you. I personally never liked the guy, thought he was a blowhard, the whole livestrong thing and the stupid bracelets were annoying, sure they were supposedly for a good cause, but how can you trust that now, what did your dollar from buying that thing really go to, I have no idea, and I can't trust that. Listen, now it's become clear over the years, that cycling is one of the dirtiest sports there is in terms of doping, so maybe he wasn't getting that big of an advantage, but you know what Lance, have the balls to come out and admit you were wrong when you get caught, oops, that's right, he doesn't have balls, well still. Listen, it's great that he survived cancer and all that, but how did he get the cancer, maybe from all the dangerous toxins and drugs he was putting in his body, remember Lyle Alzado? But anyway, if that wasn't bad enough, then today's news comes out..

Manti Te'o had a fake girlfriend that supposedly died after being in a car accident from battling leukemia, um, yeah, what? Oh, and she died 6 hours after his grandmother died, then he went out and played a football game a few days later, looking back, this whole thing does sound made up. Te'o and Notre Dame are trying to spin this thing that someone was playing a cruel joke on him, but watch this interview with him back in October, starts at 2:25:
Um, what?, that doesn't sound like something someone would say about someone they never "met" I mean, does he think we are that dumb, or maybe he's just an idiot. I'm sorry, you "meet" someone on the internet, never actually in person, yet somehow they are you're girlfriend? Um, unless he was a desperate loser, which seeing as how he is a successful college athlete, I don't think he would have that much trouble finding a girlfriend. Plus what about the whole story that she went to Stanford and he met her after a game? This whole thing reeks. Was he trying to pull at our heartstrings, thought his grandmother dying wasn't enough? Is he gay and didn't want it to get out so he made up a fake girlfriend, then decided to kill her off. It's like that episode of Seinfeld when Elaine makes up a fake girl names Susie and then kills her off, remember that one:
This whole thing brings up a better question: You can just make up girlfriends? oh wait, that was another Seinfeld episode, where George pretended that the girl Jerry was dating was Susan and telling models at the club that she died, which was more true than Manti Te'o's story. Anyway, if we can just start making up stories about fake girlfriends and say they died to get sympathy, who is not trying that at a bar this weekend? Listen maybe he was duped and this whole thing was a big prank and hoax played on him, for what reason, I have no idea, and apparently he is very naive, and for god sakes man, once you find that shit out, come clean, maybe he was embarrassed about it or whatever, but still, don't wait until it's reported on deadspin, you idiot. I still don't get it, and I have a hard time believing he wasn't involve, just makes no sense, and it he wasn't, then good gawd man, you are a fool. Oh and btw, you were terrible against Alabama.

Of course this is all coming after last week where noone was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame, cause all the cheaters started to make the ballots, Clemens, Bonds, Sosa among others, but because of them, certain guys that noone has ever suspected like Bagwell, Biggio and Schilling also didn't make it, cause you never can tell who is lying and who is telling the truth, there's no trust anymore.

Well, that's it for this week, I realize this wasn't a very funny or happy or uplifting post, but it is topical. I'll be back next week with something fun, I promise. Oh and hey, remember Danny Almonte?

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