Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Sh!t Has Come to Light, Man!

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the blog, got to be honest, having some writers block the last few days, running out of things to talk about, but I feel that the blog has really gotten some momentum in the last few weeks, especially in Denmark, what it is with you people? got another 15 views or something like that the other day. Crazy, I guess I'm huge in Denmark, and I got to be honest, I don't know anything about that country, what language do they even speak there? Danish? isn't that some kind of pastry? I'm guessing some speak English, cause clearly if they are reading this, then they know it, or maybe they don't and just like the pictures and videos, but anyway, thanks for reading and hope you are enjoying it and have helped me get over 620 views, 2nd place with 29 views, only 480 behind the United States, but nice work. Also want to welcome Turkey to the blog, so was Turkey named after the bird or was the bird named after the country, can we get a ruling on this?

I've been trying to do my best and keep this blog entertaining and exciting, sometimes I may bog it down with some of my own crap, which I realize people don't necessarily want to read. If you click on my link expecting to see fun things like Mr. T picking apples with Conan O'Brien and instead get some rant from me about how so and so at work sucks, or how I have no money or whatever the case maybe. So, why am I saying this, well, I feel like at times I forget that, or might, so I want you, the readers to keep me in line, tell me if what I'm writing is lame or boring or crap noone cares about, ok? deal? sweet, let's move on.

Ok, so last time I discussed MTV, I talk about Michael Jackson took control and pretty much owned the station and put it on the map, sort of speak in 1983. Well, if 1983 was the year of Michael Jackson on MTV, 1984 was the year of Madonna on MTV, and while I could post a video from her, I don't like Madonna, and there were plenty of other videos from 1984 that I can post, like this one:
This actually upset Michael Jackson and Thriller at the 1984 MTV VMAs, the first VMAs btw. But then there was also this one:
Believe it or not that is Phil Hartman doing the voice for Waldo. Then again there was this gem from 1984:
Now, personally I always preferred the video for I Wanna Rock, but this was a good video too and came out first, almost seems like they tried it out with this one, realized they could have done better, and then did better with I Wanna Rock. But we can't go any further with talking about 1984 and music videos and not have this one:
I mean, what the hell is going on here? I realize it's the 80's, plus he is British, so maybe it wasn't obvious at the time, but seriously, is there any question now looking back at this that George Michael is gay? and what's the deal with the running costume change, and the outfits, good god, first of all, No, the CHOOSE LIFE shirts were not Pro-Life, at the time there was some campaign about suicide prevention, however the video seems to work against that, cause I'm pretty sure there are many people who probably rather kill themselves then to have to watch that video. Two Word: Yellow Gloves, what the hell? Needless to say that 1984 was when I really can first remember starting to watch MTV and watching these videos.

Ok, that's enough, but as always, here's your daily treat (Warning: Bad Words):
GI Joe is a real american hero, so take that Denmark.

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