Saturday, January 15, 2011

Anyone reading this?

Just wondering if anyone is actually reading these blog posts. Anyone? Bueller? If so leave a comment. Otherwise I'm just gonna start using this space to blast people and reveal deep dark secrets about stuff, maybe some of it's true maybe some of it isn't, who's to say. I'll be like Homer in that episode of the Simpsons when he was Mr. X. Now if noone is actually reading then whatever won't make a difference, however if someone happens to come across it or is in fact reading these, well then, there could be trouble. But you know what, deep dark secret #1: I enjoy causing trouble, it's fun and it's entertaining, plus I really don't have much else going on, so what the hell.

You have 1 day.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading! Just saw the link you posted on fb.
