Sunday, January 23, 2011

Back At It

Not really sure what to talk about in today's post, but I just want to throw this out there, now I can't take credit for discovering the ridiculousness of it, Conan make fun of it the other night, but then I did some research and found the website, and well, just take a look: Ok, now while the concept of this product, I guess I can understand, but come on people, is this something that really needs to exist. The best part about the site is the tag line "It's like privacy in a bag." First of all, what does that even mean? and second of all, leaving out the stupidity of the whole bag part, how is this privacy, just cause you can't see people, doesn't exactly make it private. I mean like, if I had my eyes covered and started getting naked in public, when I was then arrested for indecent exposure, I couldn't just be like "Well, my eyes were covered and I didn't see anyone, so I thought I had privacy." It doesn't work that way. One other thing I will say about this, kinda upset that I didn't discover this thing about a month or 2 ago, would have a made an excellent crappy Yankee Swap gift.

Well, Packers are going to the Super Bowl and while I don't really care, I'm kinda glad that someone named Caleb Haine, someone I had never heard off before today, didn't just lead his team to the Super Bowl, cause if that were to have happened, what's the point? As far as the Steelers vs Jets game goes, I want both teams to lose, not really sure how that will happen, maybe an earthquake that collapses the stadium and while that may sound rather mean, I hate the Steelers and Jets, so whatever.

Guess that is all for now. Not really looking forward to going to work tomorrow, it's gonna suck, have a feeling this whole week is gonna suck, oh and there's more snow on the way? good, great, grand, wonderful, NO YELLING ON THE BUS!!!

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