Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stupid is as Stupid does

Was pretty close to doing that stupid thing that I was talking about in yesterday's post, luckily I changed my mind about it and it didn't happen, but that was a close one.

So, today is Too Bad Tuesday, you maybe asking yourself "Now, just what in the dog gone world is Too Bad Tuesday?" and for some reason you said it like that and in a southern accent, it was really weird, you need help. Anyway, Too Bad Tuesday is the day after Blue Monday, as in Oh, Blue Monday was so depressing, maybe tomorrow will be better, well, Too Bad it's only Tuesday, and guess what, here's some snow on top of it, but don't worry that's just a little taste, there's a lot more coming tomorrow. Yeah, so that's Too Bad Tuesday.

Was just watching King of Queens and the episode featured Turtle from Entourage, obviously before he was Turtle from Entourage, but it's weird to see him and think of him as anything other than Turtle from Entourage, and not even just Turtle, but specifically Turtle from Entourage, it's like Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire, you have to say the whole thing. Speaking of which...

The Oscar nominations came out today, some interesting inclusions and some interesting exclusions. I guess I just don't understand how like a movie True Grit got no golden globe nominations and then for Oscars, bang Best Picture nomination (which now with 10 nominations, whatever) Jeff Bridges gets nominated for Best Actor, he was good, I don't know that he'll win or if he even should have been nominated, but it just kinda seems that since he won last year, they are throwing him a bone, but just odd that he didn't get a Golden Globe nomination. The Fighter got nominated for best picture but Mark Wahlberg did not get a nomination, and while he was good, he was definitely overshadowed by Christian Bale and Melissa Leo, Amy Adams also got nominated, which doesn't even make sense, she wasn't even the best supporting actress in that movie, so what's the point? Just watched The Town and Jeremy Renner got nominated, he was good, but no way he is winning over Bale.

Ok, Celtics get back at it tonight, after the crap that happened in Washington on Saturday, they better not play like that again, I realize they are at home and playing Cleveland, the worst team in the NBA and losers of 17 in a row and 21 in a row on the road. But they better not take this one off.

That's all for now

Ladies and gentleman: Mr. Lionel Richie (for no reason)


  1. Next time you put up Lionel Richie - "Hello", could you please make it the scene from 40 Year Old Virgin? That is all.

  2. Ok, the point was more that it's Lionel Richie for no reason, the song was inconsequential, could have been All Night Long, Dancing on the Ceiling, Hello just happened to be the first that came up, plus the video is confusion and a little disturbing.
